Artcident! by Riba Kalb and Golnar Sepahi
$16.99 CAD
Our friend, Riba Kalb has written a book! And it's all about the little accidents that might happen when we're making art and how they might be a GOOD thing. Riba and Erin B worked together teaching art years ago, and to have her here at the store is a truly wonderful moment! Come listen to Riba read her book, have it signed and stay for some crafts!
About the book...
Taylor is worried . . . she’s going to art camp for the very first time and is scared her paintings won’t be good enough. Will she make mistakes?
Meet Miss Brush, the enthusiastic art teacher! Miss Brush believes in ARTCIDENTS, accidents that can lead to new and more imaginative artwork. Taylor nervously watches her friends make mistakes and embrace them as happy ARTCIDENTS. Will she be able to find joy in her ARTCIDENTS too?
ARTCIDENT! is aimed at children ages three to eight. As a tool for teachers, it can be used in elementary schools and will fit within any Arts Education curricular competencies for K-2. Parents can also use it to help their children with anxiety and problem-solving in general.
Age Range: Early Childhood (under 7 yrs old)
About the Author:
Riba Kalb has been teaching art to children aged two to nine for over thirty years, in both Canada and Mexico. She started to use the word “ARTCIDENT” in her classes around fifteen years ago. She found that it unfailingly helped children with their anxiety around making "ART accidents," and brought smiles to their faces. She believes that there is always a way to transform art errors in a fun way, and that there is no right or wrong in art—the important thing is for children to be able to enjoy art and express themselves. “ARTCIDENT” has become a popular word with other teachers in her school and even with some parents.
Riba works at Arts Umbrella, an Art & Design, Dance, and Theatre School for children in Vancouver, and at Vancouver Talmud Torah School. She lives in Vancouver, Canada, with her husband. She has three adult children.