Bruno Munari Poster "Filastrocche in Cielo e in Terra"
$24.00 CAD $24.00 CAD
Gianni Rodari and Bruno Munari have always paid great attention to the world of children, sharing the purpose of setting images and words free, and making us discover the pleasure of invention, imagination and creativity. Bringing together seemingly distant or even opposite elements, and coming up with unexpected solutions and combinations, they gave new meanings to letters and signs. Their creative paths run parallel to each other for years, and found their meeting point in many books such as Filastrocche in cielo e in terra (“Nursery rhymes up in the sky and down on earth”), La torta in cielo (“The cake in the sky”), Il libro degli errori (“The book of mistakes”), Il pianeta degli alberi di Natale (“The planet of Christmas trees”).
These illustrations were made for Filastrocche in cielo e in terra (1960): with his distinctive lightness and essential stroke, Bruno Munari recreates all the poetry of Rodari’s stories, elevating their imaginative side and their ability to amaze us.
POSTER printed on white paper
- Dimension: 50.0 x 77.5 cm
- 1st edition: 05/2020
- Edition: 05/2020
Bruno Munari (1907-1998) has been one of the protagonists of 20th-century art, design and graphics. He always dedicated his creative activity to experimentation, with a particular attention to the world of children and their games and toys. Never separating content from form and materials, what he designed were at once books, book-objects and games that would make us think. His works in the fields of painting, sculpture, design, photography and didactics cross their poetics following the path of his very personal inventiveness.