Stabilo Woody 3 in 1 Crayon Pencil – Single Colours
$6.00 CAD
We've added single colours of our favorite Stabilo Woody 3 in 1 pencil.
These colours will complement your 6 or 10 set pencils! Choose from the drop down menu to select your additional colours.
Stabilo Woody 3 in 1 are one of the best, most durable and colour rich mark maker in our shop. These water based coloring pencils are like a crayon and a watercolour pencil all in one. They're water soluble, have strong covering power and are perfect in weight and size for little children's hands.
Choose from White, Pink, Lilac (light purple), Cyan Blue, Blue, Ultramarine, Turquoise, Leaf Green, Dark Green, Red, Black, Silver & Gold.