Halloween is approaching, and that means costumes need to get made! I’m loving all the D.I.Y ideas I’m seeing around – more on that later; for now I wanted to share a few ideas. I wanted to keep it simple; cost effective and cozy. We made a trip to American Apparel for a selection of basic, colourful hoodies for kids of all sizes. Any hoodie will do, and you can let your own collection at home help inspire you – but here’s what we did with a few craft supplies and a bright blue hoodie.
Cookie Monster! We used black and white pom poms, and some construction paper for cookies. Add some blue pants and you’re Cookie Monster!
A Shark! Using just 2 sheets of craft felt, we cut out a tail and a fin, and some teeth to sew or glue onto our hoodie. Add some googly eyes and you’re set. For the more advanced crafters/sewers you could stuff the tail and fin, but we find this works just great too.
A dinosaur! (Or Dragon! Or Lizard!) Much like the shark, just add eyes, teeth and a bumpy back and tail. You can sew them or glue them – we find Aleenes Tacky Glue is best for gluing fabric to felt.
A BlueBird! Or Blue Jay! We made some Felt wings and added a cute little felt beak, and some feathers to the top of our hoodie. Pretty cute, hey?
A Rainy Day! (or a snowy day, or a Cloudy Day!) We used cardstock to cut out some clouds, and then glued a few pom poms to our hoodie. Perfect for a Vancouver kid, we think.
All the materials used in these crafts are available in store now, EXCEPT for the hoodies! Bring yours in and we can help advise on how to make your costume. Join us for an open studio and make your costume right here the store! More details coming soon!
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