Roses are Red, Pom Poms are Blue, would you like to read a poem or two?
Did you read poetry as a kid? I have a perfectly worn out copy of Shel Silverstein's "Where The Sidewalk Ends" that I've enjoyed sharing with my kids of late. I'm getting really similar vibes from "Forwards Always" a new book of poems by Matthew Hodson. Poems can be a wonderful little lift, a delight to read aloud to one another, and a reminder of how amazing great writing can be.
I walked through the shop looking for some poetic moments - and found so many, I thought I'd share a little more about each one here. In truth alot of kids' books read as a single poem - don't you agree?
Giving the gift of poetry is a wonderful way to change the scope of what a child wants to read, and can deeply impact what they write. Let's get reading.
All the feelings
"The Grand Hotel Of Feelings" isn't a book of poetry, but it reads as such to me. Feelings all check into the Grand Hotel, and each page reads like a little verse for each one. A perfect gift for a kid or adult.
For grown ups...
We have had a couple of Sonja Ahler's books in the shop over the years, and I always find something new when I open a copy of "Swan Song". Sonja's writing is part of the collages themselves, revealing what I think are little poems made of words and images.
Love letters...
Sylvester's Letter walks tenderly with grief. It's beautiful and such a perfect thing for a child who has lost a grandparent. Sylvester is writting his grandmother a letter after she has passed away and its perfectly pitched for a child who's loving and missing and living without a person.
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